Kristin Beckholt
Director of Nursing

Kristin is an RN with an extensive nursing background that includes numerous nursing roles. From Level 1 Trauma ER to Hospice Care Management and bedside care, Kristin prides herself in having standards of excellence and sets a tone that is seen throughout the practice on a daily basis. 

A visionary by nature, and always willing to think outside the box when it comes to problem solving, Kristin thrives in providing solutions to her team and community of clients. 

Her story of opening Interim was born out of losing her mother to ALS at 53 and experiencing first hand the desperate need for professional care being provided in the home. 

Kristin loves well, and makes no apologies for the high standards she sets in her business. Remembering that it is built on a solid faith in Jesus Christ and a commitment to honor her mother's legacy. 

Personalized Home Care Starts Here

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